Seniors and Technology

5 Ways Modern Technology Can Help You Care for an Aging Parent

If you’re currently serving as a caregiver for an aging in place elderly parent, you’re not alone. And thanks to the technological age we live in, there are more high-tech gadgets and gizmos available than ever before to assist your caregiving efforts. Here are 5 innovative ways that modern technology can help you care for an elderly parent.

At-Home Entertainment Ideas for Seniors

Many seniors today are choosing to age in place within their own homes with the support of their families. At some point, however, the aging process simply makes it too hard for seniors to get out and participate in activities like they once did. When a senior becomes homebound, excessive sleep or television viewing is [...]

By |2024-11-04T13:28:45-05:00May 28th, 2018|Categories: Life Expectancy|Tags: , , |
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